We don’t visit Granny as much as we should, but when we do, I cozy up on the corner of the couch with a few copies of her Guidepost magazine and read through the articles.  Well, one day I mysteriously started receiving my own subscription of Guidepost in the mail.  Hmmmm, wonder where that came from?  🙂  It’s been several years, and my subscription keeps coming.  A couple of months ago, one of my favorite authors, Debbie Macomber, was featured on the front cover.  I was anxious to read her story.  This is when I first heard of someone choosing a word to focus on, and study, and kind of own, for the new year.  Debbie said she sometimes chose words that would just keep poppin’ up…like in songs, in a sermon, in a conversation.  So, I started watching for a word.  Joy.  I kept seeing it over and over and hearing it in songs…but, it felt a little forced.  Of course the word was everywhere.  It was Christmas!  I started over on my search for a word.  This time,  just listening for a word that would be whispered from within.  Content.  I looked it up.  There were a few definitions but the one that resonated with me was this: “peace of mind, mental or emotional satisfaction.”


One night last week, I had asked my daughter to tell me her opinion of my latest redesign.  She asked, “Mom, when are you going to just be happy with the way things are and stop moving them around?”   “I don’t know,”  I answered.


But, that’s not entirely true.  I know that when I decorate with things that I love, that are sentimental and that truly reflect our family, I am satisfied; content,  and I don’t feel the need to start all over.  There’s a part of me that wants to be “done” with decorating my home.  Now, with that being said, I just read an article on how being content doesn’t mean settling and never changing.  One thing I need to learn to be content about is that I am a creative person who is always looking for my next project.  I have to create in order to be fulfilled.  So, in that sense something will always be changing.  It is going to be an interesting and challenging year as I learn to be content.


Speaking of content, there is nothing more satisfying than a job well done.  Let’s take a look at some of the projects from last week’s Show & Tell party.

First we have, Peggy’s birds of a feather pillow.

She did an amazing job on this pillow.  I absolutely love it!

Next, take a look at Kirsty’s gorgeous table setting.

It’s calling my name!

And lastly, I was very impressed with Jen’s faux fireplace.

The addition of the board and trim above the mantel is so beautiful!

If you were featured, please grab the featured button below.  Right click on the image to get the image address/code.  Then link the address to the image.

This week’s Show & Tell party goes live at midnight tonight.  I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to!  See you there!

Until next time,
